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Thursday 6 November 2014

VirusTotal Uploader Free Download

                   VirusTotal Uploader

Here at Softonic, we're big fans of file scanning service VirusTotal. If you're like us, and serious about security, then VirusTotal Uploader is the perfect accompaniment.

VirusTotal Uploader lets you easily upload any file to be scanned on the VirusTotal website, directly from your Windows desktop. You can either choose a file from the currently active processes on your system – displayed on VirusTotal Uploader's interface – or browse the system until you locate the file.

VirusTotal Uploader looks for the corresponding hash on the VirusTotal website, analyzes the file and then shows the results on your browser. The process barely takes a couple of minutes.

The best thing about VirusTotal Uploader is that it's perfectly embedded with Windows Explorer, meaning you can scan files from the context menu – inside the 'Send to' menu. On the downside, it's pretty ugly, and you still need to open up the browser to display results.

VirusTotal Uploader is a handy tool that lets you take advantage of VirusTotal's powerful antivirus scan - straight from your desktop.

Easy to use
Very quick
Integrates well with context menu and command line
Needs to open the browser to display results

Pretty ugly


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