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Saturday 8 November 2014

Top Ten Foods


Top Ten Foods For Your Better Health

Top Ten Foods For Your Better Health,Foods For Your Better Health,Foods Better HealthTop Ten Foods For Your Better Health: The most important thing in life that should always be taken care of is Health.Healthy diet is the key to better living but people usually do not know how they can maintain a healthy diet. Usually they do not have any idea about the kind of food they should take and the way in which they should take those food items.
Mostly it happens that people are taking the right item but the way they are taking it is wrong. Sometimes, it is too oily and full of fats that it is considered as unstable and unhealthy.When you are healthy, only then you can enjoy all the perks of life otherwise it is impossible. All those who are interested in taking care of their health, are advised to take good and healthy food.Below is the list of Top Ten food items that you can take for a good and inspiring health. Along with the items, you will also be suggested the right way to take them for better results.
1. Almonds:

Get fiber, vitamins, iron and many other nutrients just by taking a few almonds daily.
Prepare a shake or add them in your food.

2. Broccoli:

Full of phytonutrients, broccoli helps the body fight against heart diseases and facilitates the process of digestion.
Cook as mix vegetables or alone.

3. Fish:

Take fish because it has high water content and is good for your bones. It protects you against Prostate Cancer as well.
Fry it and enjoy.

4. Apple:

“An apple a day keeps doctor away”. Yes, parents used to say it like that because this delicious fruit has got antioxidants in it, which protect you from heart disease and other major disorders.
You can take it in a salad form, as a shake or simply eat it raw.

5. Water Melon:

Water melon is one of the most amazing dietary components because it is not only delicious to eat but also has increased water content.
You can prepare a fruit cocktail to enjoy it with a combination of different fruits.

6. Lemon:

Lemon is the most affective item for the well being of your digestive system. It is good for your skin as well.
You can take it in the form of drinks, or its juice can be added in your food to enjoy the wonderful taste.

7. Spinach:

Popeye the Sailor is famous for eating spinach because it is full of iron that gives you lots of energy to be utilized for vigorous physical activities. There are a lot of enemies hidden in your metabolic system. You can improve your immune system and fight them off.

8. Raspberry:

Raspberry is a food item that is super rich not only in taste but also in fiber and antioxidants. It is good for elderly people because it prevents their cognitive decline.
Prepare a wonderful raspberry tart or have them as they are: they will be scrumptious in every way.

9. Sweet Potatoes:

Get carotene, carbohydrates, vitamin c and vitamin B6 all in one sweet potato.
It is a vegetable that can be cooked in many different safe ways. A reasonable amount must be taken.

10. Milk:
Milk is called as complete food. It is very effective for health as it provides calcium to the bones. Bones must be strong for a healthy living. Milk also protects from many bone related diseases.


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