Kickstarter User Data Hacked Last Week
User information included: Usernames, Encrypted passwords, Phone address, Home/office address and email addresses. Surprise to me is that if they could have everything, why they didn’t steal any kinda credit cards information. This is truly alarming, not for the Kickstarter users but also for the rest of the world because this invites fear in the mind that, now, any smart hacker can rush into sites you love and get personal information about you and run away. That’s horrific!
By the above statement, they seem to be putting most of their burden on its users which is of course a bad practice but what to do else? Kickstarter has been doing just fine for years since 2009. It’s a crowdfunding platform. The company’s mission is to help bring creative projects to life and raise funding for them.
The giant of crowd-funding has been hacked last week and sent out an email to all of its users telling them about this cyber attack to their site. This hack, according to Kickstarter, began during the Wednesday night and hackers were able to obtain Kickstarter user data like usersnames, email address, mailing addresses, encrypted passwords and phone numbers. To our surprise, credit card information and actual passwords were not revealed out to hackers as said by Kickstarter,
“No credit card data of any kind was accessed by hackers. There is no evidence of unauthorized activity of any kind on all but two Kickstarter user accounts.”
According to them, there were only two accounts which were the victims of the attack, so there’s nothing much to get worried about. But Kickstarter on their today’s official blog post titled, “Important Kickstarter Security Notice” at February 16, 2014 recommended,
“As a precaution, we strongly recommend that you create a new password for your Kickstarter account and other accounts where you use this password.”
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The only thing you are going to do as a Kickstarter user is to change your personal information as soon as possible and re-confirm your Facebook account for logging in to Kickstarter account, if you use that feature.
Stay connected, we will updating more about Kickstarter user data and its hack.
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