Breaking News
Sunday 26 October 2014

Prevent Dangers Mosquito Bites


       Prevent Dangers Mosquito Bites

Prevent Dangers Mosquito Bites, As soon as the weather starts to change, the troops of mosquitoes can be seen almost everywhere.Mosquitoes are a family of small midge flies as the mosquitoes. Although some species are harmless or even useful to humanity, most are considered a nuisance because they use their saliva to coat the surface of the skin of living mammals, including humans, to consume blood, causing itching, often painful red bumps to appear. Females of many species of mosquitoes are pests from eating blood. In feeding on blood, some of them transmit human and very damaging livestock, such as malaria, yellow fever and filariasis disease.

Late winter and early summer or the reverse, climate drift brings different types of insects and mosquitoes herself. These are so many in number that end up being annoying. Along with these insects also come various diseases and allergies. Sometimes even medicines that kill insects do not work well unless you use them every day without jumping.

In fact, female mosquitoes are more dangerous. Not only malaria, but dengue fever spreads through them, which can even be fatal. Each individual should try to stay away from being bitten by a mosquito. To do this certain tips given below.

First you should pay attention to where and how they are born. It was observed that mosquitoes breed heavily and are in their intensely on stagnant and dirty water. Dirt, dirt, piles of garbage, puddles dormant, algae formed by water, open sewer holes and dirty water flowing out of them in the dirty grass growing around it are the most beloved places for mosquitoes. So first, start cleaning these sites in commercial areas. Contact the head of the municipal committee and destroy these filthy breeding. Use clean mud to fill the drains and sewers. Get heaps of trash picked up and thrown out of town, and clean the dirty grass.

Generally, it is observed that households have pets or birds in cages; utensils that are used to give foods should also be cleaned properly, since mosquitoes can also gather around this kind of dirty utensils. Today this market has many different mosquito killing sprays and lotions; use these in the evenings where mosquitoes are present. Use aerosols in rooms, halls and gardens. Apart from these, the coils can be used and kept under sofas and beds, as these are places where mosquitoes usually hidden.

You have tried the clothes with adequate coverage are used; sleeves that cover the arms and pants that cover the whole of the legs should be worn. In his hands, feet and face, lotions and sprays to keep mosquitoes away should be used and kept free of mosquito bites.Prevent-Dangers-Mosquito-Bites1

Net doors can be placed on doors and windows or curtains can be used so that mosquitoes can easily be stopped from entering the rooms. The use of air conditioning can also reduce the number of mosquitoes from the doors are kept closed while the air conditioner is on. People who have been affected with a disease caused by the bite of mosquitoes must be stopped roaming freely around as these are contagious and can spread disease through contact.

Worldwide introduction of various mosquito species over large distances in regions where they are not indigenous has occurred through human agents, especially in the shipping lanes, in which the eggs, larvae, pupae and used tires filled living water and cut flowers are transported. However, apart from the sea transport, mosquitoes have been performed effectively by personal vehicles, delivery trucks, trains and airplanes. Artificial areas such as retention basins stormwater or storm drains also provide extensive sanctuaries. Adequate quarantine measures have proved difficult to implement. In addition, areas of outdoor pool make it a perfect place to grow.




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