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Friday, 19 September 2014

Walk Mate For Android Google Map Application WalkMate-Android-Google-Map-ApplicationWalk Mate For Android Google Map Application.Walkmate also


Walk Mate For Android Google Map Application

Walk Mate For Android Google Map Application.Walkmate also provide you extra information of your walks. You can also get information about your walked distance and calories burned. Walkmate helps you to improve your health and also helps in keeping good health. You can count your steps every day and improve your health.

Walkmate can help to search a place you looking for. Through a Google map application, it will display the place and you can easily reach to the destination by view the route.Walkmate for Android guides to know your recent location, calculate the distance you want to reach and look for the nearest place.
Walkmate also can be used in any situation you can use it outside the park and inside on the treadmill. The app will count your steps during a day, working in the background mode and stay in good shape you need to make at least 10000 steps a day. Walkmate provides you enough information about your progress and by checking walk history you can follow up your progression. Walkmate helps you to show your progress to your friends on social network, such as Twitter and Facebook.

From Walk mate you can get extra information to improve your daily walks. During the training session you can also check your heart rate by using POLAR WEARLINK + TRANSMITTER WITH BLUETOOTH device.This application has become a great android app according to users. If you need to download Walk mate into your android device, just open your Android Market Application and look up it.

 License: Free
OS: Android
Size: 4.0 MB
Publisher/Developer: Sony Mobile Communications.


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